Documentary (Italy, 2021, '67)
A year along the Italian cableway on the Mont Blanc massif. The machine, the workers and the users are represented as the main actors in a show designed to push the limits of the nature. While depicting the everyday routines and the behavior of the sightseers, the film explores the relationship between technology, tourism and mountaineering, cities and modernity, observation and image, representation and experience.
Director: Eleonora Mastropietro
Subject: Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
Michel Dalle
Editing:: Fabio Bobbio
Giovanni Corona, Daniele Ietri
Sound editing: Agit
Sound design:
Massimo Mariani
Color grading: Orash Rahnema
Graphics and photography: Alessio Zemoz
Archive images: Museo Nazionale della Montagna “Duca degli Abruzzi” – CAI Torino
Music: KVSU (Michele Cagol, Hannes Pasqualini)
Research, development and production: Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
Production: Associazione La Fournaise
Supported by: Fondo per lo sviluppo della produzione audiovisiva di Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste
With: Museo
Nazionale Della Montagna “Duca Degli Abruzzi” – Cai Torino e deep map lab – Libera Università di Bolzano, Associazione framedivision
(2023) Trento film festival – International copetition
(2023) Festival Mentelocale – Concorso Internazionale
(2023) Cinemambiente – Made in Italy
(2023) Ischia film festival – Concorso Lungometraggi
Planet Rota
Documentary (Italy, 2021, 18'41)
The renowned Italian architect Italo Rota has been collecting objects, expressions of the city and urban development, all his life. His collection includes an unspecified number of pieces, stored in his Milan home and in a warehouse. Rota himself does not actually know how many items he owns, but he estimates over one hundred thousand. More than a collection, it is an assemblage of books, popular objects and rare works of art. In 2021 a selection of Rota's pieces were exhibited in Lucca in the exhibition "Pianeta città", organised by the Ragghianti Foundation.
Il film raccoglie la testimonianza di Italo Rota sul senso del suo collezionare e sull’uso degli oggetti come strumenti per la conoscenza.
Director: Eleonora Mastropietro
Development and research: Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
With: Italo Rota
Cinematography: Paolo Martelli, Alessio Zemoz
Editing: Fabio Bobbio
Sound: Daniele Ietri, Massimiliano Santillo
Audio post-production: Elisa Piria
Production: Fondazione Centro Studi sull’Arte Licia e Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti
in collaborazione con: La Fournaise
Supported by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca
Under the patronage of: Regione Toscana, Provincia di Lucca, Città di Lucca
Sponsored by: Banco BPM
(2021) Milano Design Film Festival
(2021) Venice Architecture Film Festival
Produced on the occasion of the Exhibition Planet City Arts Cinema Music Design in the Rota Collection 1900-2021 Lucca, Fondazione Ragghianti. July 9-October 24, 2021
A Story from Here
Documentary (Italy, 2018, 74')
A small town in the internal areas, depopulated as one would expect. A place of “there’s nothing here”, as everybody tells Eleonora when she arrives in the town after spending most of her life in Milan, where her parents moved in the Sixties. She is emigrant, but not for her choice. A second-generation emigrant. Always being far from a “here” she could never experience, but that has always been in her mind thanks to stories told by others. Eleonora goes to the small town in order to provide images to many stories: those by her family and those by Adele, the small girl she met during a single visit to the village made by Eleonora and her parents, when she was very little.
Director: Eleonora Mastropietro
Development and research: Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
Eleonora Mastropietro, Gigi Giustiniani, Paolo Martelli
Editing:: Fabio Bobbio
Giovanni Corona
Production: Associazione La Fournaise
Supported by: Piemonte DOC FILM FUND – Fondo Regionale per il Documentario
Valle d’Aosta DOC-FF FILM FUND
Festival (selected)
(2018) Festival dei Popoli – Concorso Italiano (Prima)
(2018) Filmmaker Festival
(2018) Bellaria Film Festival – Sezione Bei Doc
(2019) Other Movie Film Festival – Concorso
(2019) Fuori Mercato – Como Independent Film Festival (Premio Miglior Documentario)
(2019) Ischia Film Festival – Concorso Documentari
(2019) ShorTs International Film Festival – Sezione Nuove Impronte
(2019) BCT – Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione – Sezione Greatest Independent
(2019) International Documentary Film Festival of Ierapetra – European Long Competition
(2019) Cervino Cinemountain International Film Festival – Concorso
(2019) Film Festival della Lessinia – Montagne italiane
(2019) Crocevia di Sguardi
(2019) Foggia Film Festival
(2019) Laceno d’Oro
(2019) Asti Film Festival
Sagre Balere
*Writing and production
Documentary (Italia, 2017, durata 75’)
Omar was born in the suburbs of Milan and was destined to be an auto bodyworker. He became instead a successful ballroom singer, inspired by listening to ballroom singers at Angelo Zibetti’s Studio Zeta, the biggest dance club in Italy at that time. After about a decade working as a singer, he finally met Adele, the love of his life, who became his manager and turned him into a real icon for the fans of ballroom music. He has become the man who could gather enormous crowds of audience at clubs, squares, and local festivals. The film tells the story of Omar and shows him, in his 20th year of career with his band, as we travelled together with him in their long tour around many Northern regions of Italy. A life in and out of the spotlight, mirror of a marginal and somehow old fashioned Italy, that is probably destined to disappear for good.
Director and cinematography: Alessandro Stevanon
Script: Eleonora Mastropietro e Alessandro Stevanon
Editing: Fabio Bianchini Pepegna
Sound: Giovanni Corona
Festival (selected)
(2017) Visions du Réel, Nyon (CH) – Section Regard Neuf (World Première)
(2017) Bellaria Film Festival, Bellaria (IT) – Premio “Italia Doc” Miglior Documentario
(2017) ShorTS International Film Festival, Trieste (IT) – Sezione Nuove Impronte – Premio AGICI alla migliore produzione di lungometraggio di documentario
Documentary (Italy, 2014, 65')
In the summer of 1932, Gabriele Boccalatte and Ninì Pietrasanta met on the Monte Bianco: they climbed it together and fell in love. Their great alpine years go exactly from 1932 to 1936 – the year in which they got married. They, as a roped party, pioneered some of the toughest alpine routes. They used to keep journals and take pictures in order to keep a record of their achievements. Ninì, that was one of the very few female climbers of those years, would carry a 16mm film camera with her, during her climbs. Some years after Ninì’s death, in 2000, her son Lorenzo found the reels his mother had been shooting, hidden in an old case.
Voices: Alice Corni, Mele Ferrarini
Director: Gigi Giustinaini
Script: Raffaele Rezzonico700;”>Con il sostegno di Valle d’Aosta DOC-FF FILM FUND
Production: Daniele Ietri
Produzione esecutiva: Eleonora Mastropietro
Prodotto da: Associazione La Fournaise
In Collaborazione con: Dok Mobile, Friburg (CH)
Supported by: Valle d’Aosta DOC-FF FILM FUND
Trento Film Festival – Genziana d’Oro miglior film di alpinismo e Premio Città di Imola
Nuovi Mondi Film Festival – Premio miglior documentario
Euganea Film Festival – Premio Cinemambulante
Sestriere Film Festival – Menzione speciale
Cervino CineMountain – Premio montagne d’Italia per il miglior film italiano
Spotkania z Filmem Górskim – Menzione speciale della giuria per meriti artistici
International Festival of Mountain Films Poprad – Premio della Giuria
EHO Mountain Film Festival – Menzione Speciale
Bansko Mountain film festival – Gran Premio
Krakow Mountain Festival – Menzione Speciale
Dutch Mountain Film Festival – Menzione Speciale
Overtime film festival – Premio Overtime film festival
Mountain Film International FilmFestival Graz – Premio “Alpine Camera in Gold”, miglior film per la categoria “Alpinism & Expeditions”
The Rising Earth
Documentary (Italy, 2015, 26')
The construction and mounting narration of the artistic installation created for the participation of the Valle d'Aosta region in Expo 2015. Project realized for Film Commission Valleé d'Aoste and ExpoVdA.
Director: Eleonora Mastropietro
Production: Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
Editing: Paolo Martelli